Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Start of this adventure....

As with any adventure, there is a beginning.  Here is ours (don't worry, I will keep it short!!)

Matt and I met while attending a conference in high school and reconnected while we were in college.  We were married June 16, 2007 in Mosinee/Wausau, WI.  On Leap Day 2008 we closed on our home in Wausau.  Shortly after, we added to our family with an English Springer Spaniel puppy named Koda.  He is our pride and love - very full of energy and makes us laugh everyday.

Matt and I enjoyed our time as a married couple by working on different things around the house, travelling (Nashville is by far our favorite thus far!!), spending time with family, hosting beer/wine parties, and loving life here in Wausau.  For those of you who don't know, Matt works at the Wausau School District as a Physics teacher at the EGL (Engineering and Global Leadership Academy) Charter School and I am a reporting analyst at UMR/United Healthcare.

Now, this is where I can say that our story takes a turn from a family of 2 + 1 dog to what we are going to become....a mom, a dad, a baby girl, and of course Koda!!

On Christmas Eve 2011 - we were given the best gift we could ever imagine!!   We received positive results on a home pregnancy test....ok, I lied, we had positive results on about 4 tests!!   We were shocked, excited, relieved and OVER THE MOON!!!  So if the holidays weren't enough to handle with traveling to see family, weather and all that fun stuff - we now had to keep this secret from everyone we know until we were further along and saw a doctor.  Time progressed and a few doctor appointments later (and our first ultrasound) - we broke the news to the grandparents to be!  They were surprised and as happy as can be.  Time went on and when things were further along, we shared the news with all of our family and friends!

We chose to find out if we were expecting a boy or girl and as many of you know.....it is a GIRL!!!  (Due date is 8/24/12)  We didn't care either way - we just really wanted a healthly baby.  Now that we know that she is a girl, the planning got underway and the battle over names began.  Matt and I have chosen a name - but good luck getting it out of us......it will be released when she makes her debut!  Bribing doesn't work either....right Grandma Bennett!?!?!

Since we were adding to our family - the home projects took a huge priority since we have an August deadline!!  We always had hopes/ideas of finishing the basement with 2 bedrooms, a laundry room, bathroom, family room/bar - so now we were able to start on that.  Matt (or as I call him, my contractor) starting planning and building the basement.  Currently they are working on electrical and plumbing - he is doing such an amazing job and at such a fast pace.  Pictures will be posted in a later post for all to see.

As Matt worked in the basement, I tackled making the 2nd bedroom/guest room into our little girl's bedroom.  I hate to toot my own horn, but the paint job I did looks amazing.  Once again, pictures will be posted under a different post once it is all set up......right now it is full of stacks of stuff and gift bags - good thing Grandma is coming up soon to help put it all together.

So, overall this pregnancy has been pretty good - it is an amazing experience for us to embark on together.  This little girl is growing right on schedule and seems to be an incredibly active child.  Matt has been very active in every step and was thrilled when he first felt her kick.....and still loves it when he can get her all riled up while I try to rest....go figure!!

We will do our best to keep all updated on our lives as we become parents and our adventures into parenthood. 

We look forward to sharing this adventure with all of you - enjoy!!

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