Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Daddy's Last Day at Home

Well today is Matt's last day at home before he goes back to school - in service starts tomorrow and then school starts on the Tuesday after Labor Day.  I think he is ready to go back, but hesitant to leave his baby girl all day - too cute!

Today we went for a nice long walk at the park before the heat and humidity set it.  It was nice outside and both Abigail and Koda loved it.  It was nice going for a walk in the morning rather than after dinner - this mom gets tired by the end of the day!

Matt spent some snuggle time with Abby this morning and I am sure he will get more quality time with her later this afternoon and evening.  He just loves her so much and is such a huge help to me with her - it will be quite a change to be on my own tomorrow!

Abigail is still doing great - the last few nights have been pretty good sleeping and she has been more awake and vocal now, which is amazingly fun!  We are both so thrilled with her and could watch/listen to her for hours.

Below are some pictures of Matt and Abigail snuggling....enjoy!

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