Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Doctor Appointment and New Pictures

Abigail had her one week doctor appointment on Friday (8/24).  She did really good and now weighs in at 7 lb 3.5 oz - almost back to her birth weight!!!  Her doctor was very impressed with her and how she is doing.  We were very happy to get good news - guess that is the parent in both of us.

Below are her stats:
54.47% percentile on head circumference
27.36% percentile on weight
86.91% percentile on height
 - guess she is taking after her dad on height and me on weight!!!

We had lots of visitors again this week - which is great, but exhausting.  Some longtime friends of Matt from his hometown drove up for a visit and to meet Abigail - which was absolutely wonderful to see them and share Abby with them.

This past weekend we had my parents up, so that was a really nice change of pace for our house.  Abigail also got some much needed grandparent time - and mom / dad got a little break too!  It is fun to share our daughter with them and neat to see their love for her and their excitement with all her little movements and expressions.

Abigail is still doing great at eating and sleeping.  Matt and I are loving every second of this and we are soaking in every minute that we get with her.

Below are some new pictures of Abigail - some of them are actually when her eyes are open!!

Outfit that I wore when I was a baby.

Abigail, Caitlyn & Ian (my cousin Kelly's kids)

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