Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Introducing Abigail Rory!!

She is finally here....our precious daughter....Abigail Rory Lindsey.

Here are the details:
Born Friday, August 17th, 2012 at 2:33pm
Weight: 7 lbs 5.8 oz, Length: 19 inches
Head: 34 cm, Chest: 32 cm

Labor was a relatively fast process for us, I had two doses of medicine on Thursday night to get things moving.  Friday morning around 7:30 the doctor came and broke my water....then we were off to the races. I progressed rather quickly and by 9:20 was far enough along to have the epidural.  Gosh, those are some amazing drugs and totally worth any minor discomfort to get them.  After that, I was able to take a nap and rest - then, before we knew it, we were at 10 cm and ready to push.  By 1:45pm I started pushing and at 2:33pm - Abigail Rory was in the world!!

Matt was amazing throughout the entire process.  He stayed with me at the hospital the entire time, got me about a million glasses of ice water, made sure I had all the stuff I needed, made sure I was comfortable and was there to support everything that was going on.  I could not have done it without him - he is such an amazing man and father!

The first days with Abigail have been great.  We have gotten enough sleep and learned tons!   I am feeling pretty good, a little sore but nothing that stops me from doing anything.  We have had a ton of wonderful visitors already - it is so fun to show off our daughter to all of them!  

As of a little before noon today (Sunday 8/19), we are home and pretty settled.  We walked her around the house and "showed" her the house, her room, and all that fun stuff.  She met Koda too - she received lots of licks!   It will be an adjustment for him, but we are not worried - he will get used to it and soon he will love her!   Right now he seems concerned about her and what she is doing and why she makes a noise....just being a big brother.

The next few days will be an adventure for sure, but they will be great.  Matt is home with me all week this week so that will be wonderful!    I will do my best to keep this updated with new pictures this week for all....even if I don't post anything much but the pictures.  Enjoy and thanks for all the well wishes and prayers that were sent our way - everything turned out better than expected and we couldn't be more happy and blessed with our little Abigail!

Daddy and Abby

Mommy and Abby

First Family Picture!!

All ready to go Home!

Sleeping at home in bassinet...so adorable!

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