Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 4, 2012

37 Weeks and a Deadline!!!

We have now past the 37 week mark and into the home stretch!!  We are very excited to meet her but we are still enjoying our last few days/weeks as a couple without a baby.

Doctor appointment this week was good - everything was good, baby girl is doing great, and doctor is happy with the progress.  During our doctor appointment we received notice that our little girl has a deadline now.  If she does not come on her own, we will be induced on August 17th.  Our doctor would like her delivered at 39 weeks due to some minor health concerns for both baby and mom.  Matt and I were a little shocked about the news, but we are 100% good with our doctor's decision - we trust him to help us bring a healthy baby girl into the world.   Now thinking about this "deadline" it is kind of fun to think that in 13 days, we will have a baby - unless she wants to make her debut earlier than that!

Matt now also has a deadline too - with the basement.  He is currently working right now down there with his dad, they are mudding and taping the drywall.  After that will be the texture on the walls and some paint.  We are hoping to get at least the 1 bedroom painted and bed moved in before she arrives - that way we have 1 extra room for grandparents to stay.  I am sure he will continue to push ahead even after she arrives, but it won't be his main priority as it is now.

Nothing much else to report from us, we are just enjoying our time, relaxing, and trying to get some extra rest.  Matt and I had a relaxing and fun evening at the Wisconsin Valley Fair this past Tuesday evening.  We walked over and through the fair and then took in the Thompson Square concert.  Very relaxing evening for us both and nice to have some "just us" time where we were not picking out things for the baby or basement.

Next week will be another week for us - I will be working, Matt has a 2 day school conference right in town here, he will work on the basement, and another doctor appointment.  This appointment is when we will be going over our birth plan and getting all the details of when we will be induced and how it should go.

Well, until next week - more belly pictures for those that care!   I have included 2 that show Matt's hands on my belly - if you know how big Matt's hands are, you can then visualize just how large my belly is!

Hope everyone has a great week!

37 weeks and 1 day!

Matt's hands on Baby Girl!!

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