Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

5 Months Old

Ok - I know it is a day early, but as a working mom, I will take this chance because I never know when I will get another one.....crazy busy!!!

Tomorrow our little Abigail turns 5 months old - crazy but so amazing.  We are loving every minute of it....actually as I type this, she is playing in the Exer-saucer and "talking" up a storm.  She is growing so fast and learning new things every day.  Matt and I both think that she is getting longer/taller every day!

Daycare is going great and Abigail is loving it.  She seems pretty exhausted when she comes home - lots of stuff to watch there.  Tomorrow Matt starts back to work and Abigail starts full days at daycare.  Guess"normal" life is back now!  Sure was nice to have her home this long - we are very lucky people to have been given the opportunities to stay home with her this long!

Below are some quick pictures of our big 5 month old - Miss Abigail Rory!!!

Oh My Gosh...I am going to be 5 months old tomorrow!!!

Not totally happy with mom and her camera!

Love my feet!!

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