Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mid-Week Pictures

Things are going great at our house.  Matt is savoring his last full week as a stay-at-home dad and we are preparing ourselves for the start of daycare.  We are really happy with our daycare so we are not nervous about her being there - it is just another step and change in our lives.

Abigail is doing great - eating cereal two times a day now and loving it.  She is starting to pull on Koda's fur if he is close enough to her.  Koda just walks away and looks a little irritated.  In time, they will become best friends and get into trouble together!

Since this is the first full week after the holidays, I wanted to provide you with some mid-week pictures of our little girl.  Hope it brings a smile to your face!

Silly face

Sitting on the couch like a pro!

Can't leave the pretty dress alone!


Crazy static hair!!

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