Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Rice Cereal

As of 12/29 - Abigail has started eating rice cereal.  She is a great eater (sometimes too great) and she shows a great interest in cups, bottles, silverware, and anytime we put anything into our mouths - so we felt it was time to introduce solid foods.  She only gets it once per day right now, but we will increase as she gets more used to it. 

The first day we made the rice cereal according to the directions on the box.  This was super runny and hard to feed her with a spoon. She didn't hate it but didn't love it either!  The next day we made it thicker and she really did great with it.  Each day that we feed her she is getting better and better and gets excited when I bring the spoon up to her mouth. 

This has been a fun new step in parenthood for Matt and I.  We are excited to start other veggies and fruits in time and have already made some and have it ready in our freezer.  Hopefully her eagerness will continue as we introduce new foods, flavors and textures. 

Below are a few pictures of her eating...nothing too messy yet!!

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