Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hard Week

This past week has been a rough one at our home - Abigail has her first cold.  And to make matters worse, she has graciously shared it with me!  It doesn't seem to bother Abigail as much as I would have thought - thank goodness.  Guess we are getting into the "daycare way of things" right away!

A few nights we had rough sleeping but this past weekend we are back to almost normal.  She still has a stuffy nose and a cough, but I think it is getting a little better.  I am trying to tackle this cold with little to no medications (due to breastfeeding) - but man, I sure would love to take some!  Oh well, in a few days we will be better!

This past weekend, my parents came up for some Abigail Time and they were able to give a little break from Abby.  It was a great and relaxing weekend - much needed!   I feel like a whole new person this afternoon!  I have no idea how moms do this working thing with more than one kid - I give you all credit!

Abigail continues to love daycare and is still growing like crazy.  She has now eaten green beans and peas - she likes them mostly except for a few funny faces now and then.  Guess we are going to try some orange veggies this week!

Well, better get moving - lots to do for a Sunday afternoon!  Have a great week!

Sacked out with grandma!

Grandma sure brings out the strangest sleeping positions!

Playing in the play gym

Someone wants to grab at EVERYTHING!

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